I've been looping through Fang Datong's new album this week, it's so good!
Recommended Open Source Projects#
- bluewave-uptime, a self-hosted server monitoring tool
- beszel, another server monitoring tool
- nextjs-postgres-auth-starter, official template from Vercel
- next-validate-link, checks all Markdown links in Next.js applications for validity and freshness
- use-editable, a hook that makes elements
while still being fully renderable, great for creating small code editors or textareas - blinko, a new open-source memo tool that incorporates more AI
- next-ui-full-calendar, a calendar component based on Next.js and NextUI for managing and displaying events in day, week, or month views
- react-scan, scans for React performance issues and eliminates slow renders in applications
- NextFaster, a high-performance e-commerce template for Next.js that utilizes all the new features, really fast
- next-query-glue-starter, a Next.js application template that uses optimistic UI updates and the View Transition API
- mitata, a benchmarking tool
- newsnow, elegantly read real-time trending news
- fluid-tailwind, a Tailwind CSS plugin that makes writing responsive designs easier
- VideoLingo, an all-in-one video translation and localization dubbing tool that can generate Netflix-level high-quality subtitles with one click, eliminating awkward machine translations and multi-line subtitles, plus high-quality cloned voiceovers
- Sink, a link shortener based on Cloudflare
Recommended Applications#
- windsurf, another AI editor based on VS Code, produced by Codeium, tried it out, feels not as good as Cursor ...
- Pearcleaner, an open-source cleaning tool for macOS, native and very lightweight
- pilipala, a third-party BiliBili client developed using Flutter
Recommended Readings#
- React drag to select
- Life of a Vercel request: What happens when a user presses enter
- Uncontrolled vs Controlled: A matter of perspective
- React useCallback() - A complete guide
- How to roll your own auth in JavaScript & TypeScript
- Essential tsconfig.json options you should use
// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"incremental": true, // Enables incremental compilation, build only the changed code
"strict": true, // Enables all strict type-checking options (best practice)
"rootDir": "src", // Root directory of input files
"outDir": "./build", // Output directory for compiled files
"allowJs": true, // Allows JavaScript files to be compiled alongside TypeScript files.
"target": "es6", // Specifies the ECMAScript target version
"module": "NodeNext", // Sets the module system to use (commonjs, nodenext, esnext)
"lib": ["es2024"], // Specifies the library files to be included in the compilation.
"sourceMap": true, // Generates source maps for debugging
"skipLibCheck": true, // Skips type checking of declaration files
"noUnusedParameters": false, // Do not allow unused parameters in functions.
"noUnusedLocals": false, // Similar to noUnusedParameters, but for local variables.
"noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true, // it ensures that indexed access types are checked for undefined values,
"esModuleInterop": true, // Enables compatibility with CommonJS modules, allowing default imports from modules with no default export.
"resolveJsonModule": true, // Allows importing JSON files as modules
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, // Ensures that file names are treated with consistent casing, which is important for cross-platform compatibility.,
"noImplicitOverride": true, // This option requires that any method in a subclass that overrides a method in a superclass must explicitly use the override keyword.
"noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true, // This setting enforces that properties accessed via dot notation must be explicitly defined in the type.
"allowUnreachableCode": false, // When set to false, this option raises errors for code that is unreachable, meaning it cannot be executed.
"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, // This option reports errors for switch statement cases that fall through without a break, return, or throw statement.
"noErrorTruncation": true, // When enabled, this option prevents TypeScript from truncating error messages, providing full details about the error.
"declaration": true // Generates corresponding .d.ts file
"include": ["src/**/*.ts"],
"exclude": []
Other Recommendations#
- origin-ui-easings, a recommended UI library that releases new features weekly, a set of easing functions that can be copied and pasted into your Tailwind CSS projects
- allow-right-click, an extension to unlock right-click functionality disabled by websites
- logo-creator, an online logo generation website
Personal Weekly Journal#
- Work: Been busy decoupling new and old projects, it's come to a conclusion
- Games: Delta has already commanded fifty stars
- Exercise: OvO
- Learning: Learning React + Next